miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2007


She asked him if he loved her. He said ‘I love you more than anything in the world’. She asked him what would he do for her. He said ‘ I would give you the world in a heartbeat’. Finally she asked him if he would die for her. He said ‘I would take a bullet for you anyday’…

After this, she broke up with him..

Three weeks later, the boy found out that the girl had died of cancer. She didn’t tell anything to him about her illness. He was devastated.. but what the boy didn’t know was that the girl only asked him those things just to hear him say them one more time, and that she broke up with him only because she thought that that’s the way he would be prepared when her death arrived..

A day after that, the boy was found dead with a note in one hand and a gun in the other…

The note said:

You died for me just as you said that you would do.

So I took a bullet for you, just as I said that I would.

Monosilab de toamna, George Bacovia

Toamna suna-n geam frunze de metal,


In tacerea grea, gand si animal


In odaie, trist suna lemnul mut:


Lampa plange…anii tai, anii mei


Sa ma las pe pat, ochii sa-i inchid,


In curand, incet va cadea in vid


O, va fi candva altfel natural,


Toamna suna-n geam frunze de metal,


Se numeşte "propria persoană".........

În sfârşit am ajuns şi eu aici, printre voi. Sper să fiu binevenită. În caz contrar vorba lui Lăpuşneanu "dacă voi nu mă vreţi, eu vă vreu".
Îmi place să cred că toată lumea gândeşte ca mine cu toate că această plăcere se spulberă odată ieşita în societate. Îmi place să vorbesc doar atunci când ştiu depre ce este vorba, deoarece am mai puţine şanse să zic “prostii”(nu se aplică când sunt cu prietenii :D).
Nu beau...nu fumez, dar am alte vicii :)).Pot spune că existenţa mea se desfăşoară prea mult pe Internet...ca a multor altora adolescenţi de asemenea, şi nu numai.
În rest vă aştept cu drag mesajele. Şi nu uitaţi: există frunze care nu cad, oricât de puternic ar fi vântul!